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Marketing Strategies – Saving Your Business Money

Would you build a new home without a blueprint? Most wouldn’t be able to even assemble their Ikea furniture without the instructions. (I’m one of them). What does this have to do with anything you ask? Well, it’s very similar to your businesses marketing strategy. The comprehensive plan formulated particularly for achieving the marketing objectives of your business. It serves as an outline to keep your marketing on track and effective. With it you can achieve an edge over your competitors, utilize your resources, address affected areas and SAVE YOU MONEY! I have your attention now, don’t I? There can be many negative results that arise when you don’t have a marketing strategy and they can come with unnecessary costs. Investing in a marketing strategy takes a lot of money and needs proper planning. To ensure that you’re not throwing money down the drain, consider the following strategies that tend to get overlooked.

Knowing Your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) Rate

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) is a marketing metric that is used to measure the total cost to acquire a single paying customer for a campaign or marketing channel. It is an important measurement for marketing success and a way for businesses to determine if their investment in a certain marketing channel is providing them with a maximum ROI. Make sure you know your current CPA and test different methods of acquiring customers or users. Using small test budgets and testing different tactics that are large enough to have an accurate sample size will help you find what works for you.

Raising Your Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website out of the total number of visitors that complete a desired goal. A high conversion rate also indicates a successful marketing and web design. It means people want what you’re offering and are able to get it easily too. Raise your conversion rate by looking at the quality of traffic you are receiving, your product, or your web design to grow your business.

Marketing Strategies Saving Money - Marketing Strategy

Having An Appropriate Funnel Approach

Top funnel approaches are helpful in sending new people to your site. But first, you have to know your conversion rate as well as a product that sells. This approach is also fit for those who have already optimised the bottom of the funnel. Bottom of the funnel approaches will help increase your renewal rate and bring in repeat customers. Top of the funnel and bottom of the funnel approaches use different strategies so before shelling out money for marketing, make sure you know which approach you have to invest in to hit your goals.

Proper Pricing of Long-Term Advertisements

Long term marketing methods, such as influencer marketing can’t be priced like short-term advertisements. They have a higher level of engagement than an ad that may or may not have been viewed. They can give you additional value such as shares on social media, discussions, SEO, and increased brand recognition. They are also forever accessible. You can put a price tag on each piece of media or action, such as a Facebook share being valued at $5, and an organic site visit through the SEO of that content as $10. By calculating total media value rather than looking solely at impressions, you can better determine if your budget will go to good use.

Performing A/B Testing

A/B testing is a user experience research methodology consisting of a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. Perfect for comparing results. You can use it to compare two versions of a web page, email, or other marketing assets to figure out the better performing variation which will help you optimize the layout for future initiatives. You can make slight changes in the page, such as language, colors, and images and see which one yields the best conversion rate. A/B testing is crucial for top of the funnel marketing by providing valuable data that will help you reach your business goals.

Retargeting Site Visitors and Email Readers

Retargeting provides you with the opportunity to optimize your mid and bottom-funnel which are customers who are already familiar with your brand. It is a cookie-based technology that anonymously tracks your audience all over the Web. The code, or pixel, is obscure to your site visitors and won’t affect your website’s performance. Every time new visitors come to your site, the code drops an anonymous browser cookie. The cookie will let your retargeting provider know when to serve ads as they browse the Web, ensuring that your ads are served to only to people who have previously visited your site. You can also place retargeting pixels in your email signature to retarget those who open emails from you. When retargeting works well for you, it means that people are interested in your product and that you’ll be able to run successful abandoned shopping cart campaigns too.

Marketing Strategies Saving Money - Retargeting


Exactly what you are reading right now. A blog is a marketing tool that can help develop your online presence, attract leads, and engage with your audience. This is especially useful if you are a new business, or an established business launching a new product. Blogs add value to site visitors, establish trust, and is a good base to have before engaging in other marketing efforts. Make sure you have a couple of blog posts on your site for visitors to access. You need to update them regularly since they are useful in helping drive traffic to your website, convert them into leads, establish authority in your industry, and grow your business.

Having A Clear Plan/Strategy

If you don’t have a well thought out marketing strategy, your marketing may require a lot of re-work. Approaching your marketing in a one-by-one tactical approach is not cost-effective. First, you don’t take the time to consult with vendors and ask for their recommendations. You may end up asking for something that is not cost effective, not necessary, or not feasible because other critical tasks need to be done with or before it. For example, if a business wanted a new website and they jumped into the project with a low-cost developer from overseas without a plan or a specification, they’re setting themselves up for a loss. Chances are there is no research done ahead of time, no design concept, no keyword analysis or SEO strategy. You are going to pay way too much money without a solid plan. Chances are you are going to receive something that you don’t like, needs re-work and will cost you more money. With a strategy, there is less need for costly re-work.

Paying Attention to Social Media During Marketing Campaigns

When engaging in any sort of social campaign, make sure that you have someone ready to answer questions online. If you prefer to answer a specific question offline, make sure to answer them first publicly and ask them to email you. You should also actively engage when a press release gets picked up and shared on social media. These are opportunities to convert questions and compliments into customers.

An effective marketing strategy helps with the best profit-making potentials. It is also useful in addressing the areas affected by organizational growth so you can better develop a plan to cater to your customer needs. However, it is also important to consider money-saving strategies, so it’ll be a win-win situation for your business. So what are you waiting for? Time to avoid costly waste of your marketing dollars and increase your sales and your revenue!


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