Digital marketing is not just the newest kid on the block. It has been around for quite some time now, but it has become more prominent with every passing year. Digital marketing is one of the most important parts of any business’s marketing strategy today and it will only get more important in the future. There are several reasons why digital marketing should be part of your overall marketing strategy if you want to continue to grow your business, let’s look at a few and I will even through some fancy stats in here for you too!
Your customers are online
Your customers are online, looking for businesses like yours. In fact, research shows that 93% of consumers use search engines to find products and services they want to buy.
Let’s be honest, most brands ideal customer falls within the 25-65 age range. Let’s take a closer look at their use of technology. According to a recent Pew Research Centre study 96% of people aged 18-29 own a smart phone 84% of them use social media and 48% of them are almost constantly online. People aged 30-49 reports 95% own a smart phone, 81% use social media and 42% are almost constantly online. People aged 50-64 83 % own a smart phone, 73% use social media and 22% admit to almost constantly being online. So, when we look at those number and compare them to our ideal customer, I am going to guess you can see the importance of a solid digital marketing campaign. At this point in our history no other medium can boast that concentration of potential customers.
Digital marketing works
Digital marketing is a powerful tool. It can be done on any budget, and it can help you reach new customers and improve your brand image. It also helps build trust and awareness of your business.
According to the Small Business Association, 39% of small businesses use digital marketing as part of their marketing strategy to compete with larger companies in their industry. And 58% of small businesses plan to increase their digital budgets this year!
Digital marketing is cost effective
Traditional marketing methods such as print ads, billboards and TV ads are expensive and often ineffective. With traditional marketing you’re paying for exposure, but not necessarily conversions or sales. Digital marketing can be done in-house by your company’s own employees or outsourced to a professional digital marketing agency like ours at Crunch Fource . Either way, it’s usually cheaper than traditional methods because most of the work can be done online with little overhead costs involved.
Digital marketing is measurable
In traditional advertising there’s no real way to measure how many people saw an ad, or how long they saw it, which makes it hard to tell if that television commercial was worth the money spent on airtime alone. Digital advertising has its own set of metrics which enable you to track exactly how many people have seen your digital ad campaign so you know whether or not it’s been successful for your business goals!
Digital marketing is highly targeted. Since you can target specific audiences with your digital campaigns, you’re reaching out to people who are already interested in what you have to offer. That means they’re more likely to convert into sales or leads than general advertising which often reaches an audience that may not ever be interested in what you have to offer!
Digital marketing helps build trust and brand awareness
As the online world continues to grow, people are more reliant on their digital devices than ever before. As a result of this growing reliance, they’re also becoming much more aware of what brands do online and how they interact with their customers.
Post content that’s relevant to your industry. If you’re an insurance agent, post articles about the latest legislation that affects your field. If you run a restaurant, share recipes with your followers. Keep in mind that if people can’t see how what you do relates to their lives, they won’t be interested in following along with your business.
Create a blog that highlights topics related to your industry. This way, you’re not just sharing content with people who already know about your business; you’re also educating people who aren’t familiar with what you do. Keep in mind that blogging can take time and effort—don’t go overboard on the amount of posts you create! Use social media platforms like Pinterest and LinkedIn to connect with peers in similar industries or professions.
Digital Marketing is one of the most important parts of any businesses marketing strategy and it is only growing
Digital marketing is one of the most important part of any businesses marketing strategy and it is only growing. Digital Marketing has become an essential component for all businesses, even small businesses who have only used traditional marketing channels.
Digital Marketing helps you reach your customers, build trust and brand awareness, build brand affiliation and ultimately drive sales!
Digital Marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of marketing activities. It includes things like social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), display advertising, content marketing and email marketing. Basically, anything that happens online, or on an app.
Digital marketing is a way for companies to connect with their customers and potential customers through the internet. It’s also how people can reach you and find out about your products or services. Digital marketing is used by businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations.
Digital marketing helps businesses to reach their target audience, build trust and brand awareness, build brand affiliation and ultimately drive sales. It’s important to note that digital marketing is not just about social media, search engine optimization (SEO) or display advertising; it’s about integrating all of these tactics together for the best possible results.
Customer’s expect you to have a strong online presence
You’re likely already aware that digital marketing is important, but if not, let me explain why. Digital marketing helps your business grow and succeed by helping you reach more customers with faster results and at lower costs than other forms of marketing. You can use it to build brand awareness, increase traffic on your website, get leads or sales and even improve customer service.
Digital marketing also gives you the ability to control your message from start to finish. Plus, with access to data about who is visiting your site, or pages, it enables you collect information about potential clients. Did you know that it takes a person being exposed to your brand approximately 7 times before they consider making a person. Image how easy that is if you are reaching them on multiple channels as they work their way across the internet.
Digital marketing is a great way for small businesses to get their name out there and establish themselves as experts in their field. But it can be confusing and intimidating at first if you’re not sure where to start. We have some great articles, infographics, tools and resources that should help! Visit our Content Hub to learn more!
Digital Marketing is not restricted to just desktops and laptops anymore
Digital marketing is not restricted to just desktops and laptops anymore. It’s about being online and available to your customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—wherever they may be.
You’ve probably heard the term “mobile first”, but what does that really mean? It means that the way we search for information has changed from desktop devices being our primary sources of information to mobile devices like smartphones and tablets becoming our most common source of information. The reason why this matters is because almost 80% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets or even watches! The user experience on these small screens are different than those on larger screens so now more than ever we need to focus on creating great content that works well across various devices including desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets. When we create content and websites, we test them on every screen size, from large screen tv’s to laptops to tablets to smart phones.
What does this mean for you? This might mean using different types of images, videos or even changing the way you write copy depending on what device someone is using. In order to do this successfully, you’ll want to think about how people use their phones and how they interact with information differently than they would if they were sitting at their desktops or laptops.
Digital marketing can help your business grow and succeed
Digital marketing is an excellent way to get your business out there and attract new customers. It can help you grow your business by driving traffic to your website and generating leads for your sales team.
However, digital marketing can be intimidating if you’ve never done it before. You might be wondering how much time and money it will take, whether it will work for your business or not, or even what kind of digital marketing strategy is right for you. Luckily, we’re here to help!
If you feel you don’t have the time or skill set to execute this on your own, Reach Out. We help small business owners just like you run amazing campaigns every day and you could be next!