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UGC is taking the internet by storm

and we think you should try it User Generated Content (UGC) is all the rage right now. You’ve probably seen the term thrown around a lot, and maybe you’re wondering what it means or whether it’s worth your time. As someone who spends their days entrenched in the ever-changing world of digital marketing and content […]

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Internet Marketing Image

Let’s talk about Internet Marketing

The internet is an amazing tool for businesses. But if you don’t have the right plan and strategies in place, it can lead to disaster. As a business owner, it’s important to know how to use the internet effectively so that your company can reach new customers and grow. Here are some tips on how

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Organic vs paid marketing

The Ultimate Battle – Organic vs Paid Marketing

The age of digital marketing has brought with it a new set of acronyms: SEO, PPC, and SEM. These terms may be familiar to those who are already immersed in the world of digital advertising. For everyone else, though, these three letters might as well be a foreign language. If you’re just starting out in

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7 website tips for small business image

7 Website Tips for Small Business

Small businesses tend to struggle getting noticed online, which means they don’t get the exposure they deserve. You’ve probably noticed this yourself: when you think about businesses in your area or companies that offer the same type of products as yours, how many come to mind? If you’re like most people, it’s probably not very

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Great Copy Writing

The Lazy Guide to Great Copy Writing

Do you struggle with writing copy? Having trouble coming up with ideas and copy that does what you hope it will? Me too! Full disclosure, I have always dreaded writing copy, I dodged it like it was a missile. This is embarrassing to admit but I have always struggled with writing. I had trouble connecting

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Marketing Ideas For Your Small Business – Blog Header

Marketing Ideas – For Your Small Business

As a small business owner or marketer, you are continuously searching for great small business marketing ideas to grow your business with. It’s because online marketing is so important for your success. If you want your business to be successful online, you must focus on marketing it by advertising, promoting, and selling your products and

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Digital Marketing Strategy Tips - Blog Header

Digital Marketing Strategy Tips – That Work

As a business owner, you don’t need me to tell you that marketing can be tough. Everyone is competing for attention, and it can be quite difficult to stand out from other businesses. Particularly your close competition. Consumers learn about local businesses like yours and your competition online more than anywhere else. Which is all

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How To Market Yourself Realtors - Blog Header

How To Market Yourself – Realtors

Real estate is an industry that is both challenging and potentially lucrative. But it can also be very competitive. 73% of buyers interviewed only one real estate agent during their home search. That alone highlights the importance of building awareness and getting in front of buyers as quickly as possible. Therefore, having a solid grasp

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Rank Higher on Google Search - Blog Header

Conquering Google Search – How To Rank Higher

Your brand and marketing team has loads of things to keep track of nowadays. The number of likes, followers, retweets, comments, shares, tags, mentions, etc. With countless social media platforms available just for marketing, it can be difficult to make time to keep track of your Google ranking on top of that. But it doesn’t

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Marketing Your Website - Blog Header

Marketing Your Website – How To Get Discovered

Your website is one of your biggest digital assets. For those of you in the early stage of your business, you may have your website, which is great, but now it’s time to share it with the world. Cause really, what good is your website if no one sees it? Website marketing and promotion doesn’t

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